
Dropshipping allows you to sell products around the world without having to physically manage inventory.
We will create your site to integrate it perfectly with the providers and services you prefer, ensuring a smooth and uncomplicated management experience.
Earning online with dropshipping is possible, but you need to know the basics.
Dropshipping is a very special retail methodology.
The peculiarity of this method, mainly used in e-commerce is related to the fact that the seller does not own a warehouse and does not buy stock of products.
The term dropshipping comes from the English “to drop” (drop) and “shipping” (shipment).
When the owner of an e commerce decides to sell a product applying the dropshipping methodology, he buys the item from a supplier and has the item sent directly to him.
This means that the seller doesn’t have to worry about anything, much less owning that product.

The basick package

check image 1 shop ready.
check image 4 product integrations with 1 payment gateway.
check image Models of ready-made shops.
check image AI tool to find bestsellers.
check image Call with a specialist.
check image Access to an exclusive community.
check image No commission on sales.

one month

six months

one year

The medium package

check image All from the Basic package + 8 product integrations.
check image Wizard for creating Pro templates.
check image Integration with an order management tool.
check image Tools to increase your sales.
check image Analytical tools.
check image All payment gateways (also for people without company).
check image Global product sales (languages and currencies).

one month

six months

one year

The pro package

check image 20 ready-made products.
check image All the integrations available.
check image Only for those who want to be at the top of the list of sellers.
check image Sales potential 5 times faster.

one month

six months

one year


Trying to clarify everything even better, we explain in an analytical way the constitution of the whole process.
On the one hand we have a seller, called dropshipper, who forges partnerships with certain suppliers from all over the world.

When the seller receives the purchase of a product, he simultaneously communicates the information to the supplier.

The latter in turn, will pack the product and ship it directly to the buyer.

Therefore, the seller, not having to manage any aspect in terms of logistics and management, can entirely devote itself on the commercial aspects and the marketing activities.


 Dropshipping is an exceptional business model for aspiring entrepreneurs because it is easily accessible. But what are the advantages?

First of all, a high capital is not required to start it. Unlike what would happen if you were to start a physical activity, with the dropshipping model you will not have to spend thousands and thousands of euros to buy a structure and an inventory of products;

Since you don’t need to buy products to sell them, you can select a number of trending
products, obviously agreeing with your suppliers.

You will not have to immobilize huge amounts of capital for the purchase of stocks;

With the dropshipping model you will not be forced to buy the product requested by the

A dropshipping activity can be managed in any place and at any time;

The advantages of the dropshipping model are countless, but like everything beautiful, there are aspects a bit more difficult to take into account.

Selling online means competing with markets around the world. Starting this type of activity requires commitment, perseverance, dedication and a lot of creativity.

Our web agency is currently a leader in providing dropshipping services. To learn more about this innovative sales method, the EDV WEB AGENCY also allows the opportunity to benefit from themed training courses. For any information do not hesitate to contact us, our staff is always ready to clarify any of your doubts.


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